“Knowing I can’t save the world can be overwhelming but believing I can help save just a piece can be inspiring.”
—Karlyne Nordholm

The Democrats I know and work alongside in this movement are Democrats who care in inspiring ways. They are Democrats who care enough to say, “Here I am, send me,” and then they seek out ways to contribute their time, skills, and effort working for the greater good. Democrats like Karlyne are helping save pieces of their world and I am very inspired because their actions speak so much louder than words.

These caring Democrats perform mundane and skilled tasks. They are bringing us together, connecting us to one another, and creating space for critical thinking and careful actions. Our task at hand is not about persuading people to think alike; our task is giving people space to broaden their understanding, plug in their efforts in meaningful ways, and act care-fully.

On Wednesday, April 25, we will hear a discussion on immigration, a multifaceted issue that dives deep into the waters of the human spirit. I invite you to explore the resources available on our Website, including the state Democratic Party Platform which has a section on immigration (page 14). And then join community discussion as we learn about aspects of this critical issue from lawmakers, activists, advocates, and friends.

The understanding inclusive Democracy we desire begins here, in our community.

We are building the bridge while crossing it.

Yours in Democracy,


p.s. We are searching for people to help with a few projects and we are searching for a volunteer coordinator. If you or a friend have experience and skills to contribute as a volunteer coordinator or to our Training Committee, Communication and Technology Committee, Issues Committee, or Programs and Events Committee, please fill out the following form: WSD Volunteer Form