To pay by check
Make your $10.00 dues check (or your contribution in any amount) payable to
West Side Democrats of Bernalillo County
and mail it to:
West Side Democrats of Bernalillo County
PO Box 67154
Albuquerque, NM 87193
Your membership helps grow programs that reach into the community to help citizens engage in our electoral processes. Whether providing training, helping communities to organize, or bringing together constituents and elected representatives, West Side Democrats’ work relies on member contributions and participation.
Be a part of the change we want to see on the West Side.
Join us today and help us turn the West Side BLUE!
Dues are $10.00 per calendar year.
You may donate any amount.
To use PayPal or a credit card,
(If you’re paying dues via PayPal, please pay $10.80 to cover processing fees.)