Click here to RSVP for the picnic.

Volunteers needed for August 17 picnic at Mariposa Basin Park

By Sue Wolinsky

West Side Dems (WSD) will host our second annual summer picnic in Mariposa Park, on the afternoon of August 17. “We had over 100 participants last year and we hope to have an even bigger crowd this year,” said Dorothy Wilkinson, WSD chair. “But we need a lot of volunteers to make this year’s picnic a huge success.”

“We host this picnic in August, when Congress goes on recess for several weeks. We’ve invited our two senators (Sens. Heinrich and Lujan) and congresspersons for Congressional Districts 1 and 2 (Melanie Stansbury and Gabe Vasquez). This year’s picnic will include many of the features of last year’s picnic: cookout food and beverages, adult and children’s games, short speeches by local, state and national candidates, and tables set up by Democratic caucuses and other allied groups. It’s a really, big deal, as well as a lot of fun,” she said.

Here is where we need your help to make this a success:

  • Promoting the picnic – creating announcements, contacting members and others 
  • Inviting our West Side candidates
  • Contacting Democratic caucuses and other allied groups to setup tables
  • Arranging for live music
  • Setting up the Kids Corner
  • Setting up for the picnic and cleaning up afterward
  • Food Planning – deciding how to pay for the food, setting the menu, getting a grill and cooks, collecting trash, etc.
  • Creating and publishing the agenda
  • Getting and running the sound equipment.

To volunteer, email You’ll enjoy it!

Dorothy Wilkinson Chair, WSD

Join the Fight

It is our turn now. Yours and mine. Democracy must be fought for in each generation. Now it is our turn to fight for democracy. We cannot give up hope and we cannot rely on others or on the belief that goodness will prevail.

Goodness can prevail and our democracy can continue. But we must all do our part. We must vote, call, contribute and speak out.

We must preserve the Blue Westside, and Blue New Mexico and we must send Gabe Vasquez and Melanie Stansbury back to Congress to fight for us.

I am calling on all Westside Democrats to enlist in our war. Please let me know that you will volunteer by emailing me at

We could just give up and say all is hopeless. It is not hopeless. We will prevail if we’re willing to fight. I have great optimism that Americans, including Westsiders, will 

fight for our democracy and for our freedom.

If you are willing to join this fight please reach out to me.


Candidates Carnival—a Whopping Success!

In true carnival style, West Side Dems (WSD) hosted approximately 45 members and friends at our first Candidates Carnival on June 24. It was held at the Don Newton Taylor Ranch Community Center. The event featured Democratic candidates on the West Side who won their primary elections. Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller delivered remarks, energized the crowd, and answered many questions about city and city council issues – especially the proposed city charter amendments that were approved in a recent city council meeting. 

“It was an absolutely great experience. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was well organized and attended. It was wonderful being around so many Democrats, in person; just like the days before COVID,” said incumbent District 17 State Legislator Cynthia Borrego. She is running for re-election in November. “I met folks in my district and signed up new volunteers. It was great.”

The carnival was designed to congratulate our Democratic primary election winners and to give West Side voters a chance to meet them one-on-one and to volunteer and/or donate to their campaigns. The November election will be the first election in senate districts since the districts have been reorganized. “Our role in WSD is to get our candidates the volunteers they need to help them Get Out the Vote, for November. The carnival certainly gave us a good start,” said Dorothy Wilkinson, WSD chair.

Participating candidates included:

HOUSE DISTRICTS (all incumbents)

  • 16 Yanira Gurrola
  • 17 Cynthia Borrego
  • 26 Eleanor Chavez
  • 29 Joy Garratt
  • 69 Charlotte Little


  • 9 Cindy Nava
  • 10 Katy Duhigg
  • 12 Phillip Ramirez
  • 23 Harold Pope
  • 26 Moe Maestas

Carnival goers snacked on popcorn and cotton candy as they walked around the large room to meet their candidates. As emcee, I rang a cow bell to announce upticks in signups at each candidate’s table. Lively discussions were held at each table. Along with a raffle and many snacks brought by the candidates, the event included a children’s corner and a balloon artist who created hats, swords, animal figures and many more for adults and children alike.


You are invited to attend Executive Committee meetings

As a member of West Side Democrats you are welcome to attend Executive Committee Meetings. The committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 1:00 on Zoom.

If you wish to attend, please email us at

Our Mission
To Serve the 88,000 Democrats
Living on the West Side

Democrats Care!

We encourage and support candidates who will work for the good of everyone in our community. We believe in a government that is truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people”…not just for corporations, Wall Street, or the rich.


United By A Common Goal…

Social justice and human rights are more important than corporate profits. We seek to improve the quality of life for all of our residents through grass-roots support of candidates who listen and work to implement liberal programs and legislation.​

Get Involved…

Your candidates can’t win without your help. Canvassing, phone banking, word-of-mouth, volunteering, and donating are all ways to work together to achieve our common goals.