I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change — but in yours. — Barack Obama
About a year ago, a few of our fellow residents stepped forward to run for public office. These neighbors trusted us to elect, and in some cases reelect, them to represent our shared Democratic values. They showed up and worked to gain constituents’ votes and confidence and we, my friends, showed up in big ways and small to help with that effort. Together, we organized, we worked, and we won! 

As I look at our great State and as I think about our West Side slice of the Land of Enchantment, I am so proud of our candidates, their campaign teams, our partner organizations, our local Democratic Party, and the hundreds of wonderful paid and unpaid believers-in-democracy that gave time, effort, skills, and passion to electing representatives of We, the People. We believed in our ability to bring about change and now we have a small taste of a sweet hard won victory.  
There is other work to do. And soon we will regroup to push further into our communities for deeper change. But for a moment, let’s savor our success and echo a sentiment of our first African American President, Barack Hussein Obama, “Yes We Can. Yes We Did. Yes We Can.” We are building the bridge to an inclusive representative Democracy while crossing it. 
Yours in believing in the strength of The People,