Approximately 12 persons learned how to develop a precinct team list by using the neighborhood app, NextDoor, during the May 18 Monday Night Training Session.

The training series is co-sponsored by the West Side Democrats (WSD) and Democratic Party of Bernalillo County (DPBC). Margaret Lovell, a local precinct chair and member of the DPBC Social Media team, shared her novel approach that also incorporates VoteBuilder, providing step-by-step instructions. She also demonstrated how to use the list she created to identify and recruit block captains.

“Margaret has devised an effective and easy way to use social media for our outreach work during the pandemic while following the social media rules,” said Sue Wolinsky, WSD Chair of Organization and Development. “I tried her approach and was able to create my NextDoor precinct group and start developing my precinct list in a few hours.”

Margaret’s entire training session is available on YouTube HERE.

Contact Sue at with any training questions or suggestions for future training in the Monday night series. Each Zoom session starts at 6 pm and runs for ~75-90 minutes. Registration is required to receive the protected Zoom meeting invitation.